"Dear Dad, Love Maria"

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Art and A Freelance Job

I just got asked to do a freelance job for this portfolio company called Foldio. The person in charge saw my work on Deviant Art and emailed me offering the job to do five illustrations for them. I gave them a quote and accepted. Hopefully they like the quote and we'll move into doing other stages of the project. This came right after posting the final version of my picture for Mary. I also have a character design for Maria's dad finished, as well as some studies for Maria's facial expressions. After some more work I'll move into storyboarding the film. I'll put some samples of that on here as well.

The final picture for Mary.

I'm using the first design of Maria, I have yet to really work on her body though.

Facial expression studies.

More facial expression studies.

This is a study for the final design of the dad.

And this is the final design. Yeah I know his one leg is longer than the other. I draw some things wrong sometimes. Well, a lot. But usually those don't end up here.

Let me know what you think. I'm eager to read your comments.

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